Fallout PnP
Fallout PnP

One-Handed Melee[]

Improvised Weapon (1-Handed) / Pistol-Whip (1-Handed)[]

  • A desperate improvised weapon, such as a pool-cue, stick, rock or butt of a pistol.
  • 1d6 P, -1 Attack, Fragile
  • 1 Cap
  • 3 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Blunt, Retro, Primitive

Light Club (1-Handed)[]

  • A solid bashing device, such as a lead pipe, hammer, wrench, crowbar or baseball-bat. Can be held with one or two hands
  • 2d4 P, -6 PDT
  • 50 Caps
  • 2 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Blunt, Simple, Retro, Primitive

Small Knife[]

  • A stiletto, shiv, switchblade, razor or kitchen knife. An easy to hide, quick to use, accurate, and surprisingly deadly device (when in the right hands).
  • 1d4 P, BCC, BCD, Throwable
  • 50 Caps
  • 5 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Bladed, Retro, Primitive

Combat Knife[]

  • A trench-knife, bayonet, meat cleaver, or Bowie knife. Perfect for skinning deathclaws or threatening traders. Now THATS a knife.
  • 2d4 P, BCC
  • 100 Caps
  • 3 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Bladed, Retro, Oddball

One Handed Blade[]

  • Balanced slashing tool of combat. Chinese officer's swords, Machetes, Katanas and Med-evil replicas, hand axes, spear, ETC.
  • 3d6 P, BCD, Bastard
  • 250 Caps
  • 2 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Bladed, Retro

Deathclaw Claw[]

  • The legendary talon of a deathclaw, wrapped at the end and used as a 1-time brutal combat knife.
  • 5d6 P, BCC, BCD, Fragile, Throwable, Automitc-Crit
  • 250 Caps
  • 1 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Bladed, Retro, Oddball

Shock Baton[]

  • Want to keep the peace? Subdue foes the non-lethal way by zappin' em with this handy taser stick! Also highly effective versus machines.
  • 2d4 P, 2d8 E, Forgiving, Dangerous
  • Uses 3 Energy per Hit
  • 550 Caps
  • 1 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Blunt, Energy Weapon, EMP


  • A long blade with a lighter and pump device attached, causing it to spew flames as it slashes.
  • 3d6 P, 3d4 E, BCC, BCD, Dangerous
  • Flamer Tank, 3 Flamer Fuel per Hit
  • 1,500 Caps
  • 2 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Bladed, Junkyard, Primitive, Oddball, Thermal


  • A fully functional one handed chain blade fueled by small energy cells
  • 1d6 P, -5 PDT, Forgiving, Costly
  • Enercgy Cell, 1 Energy per Hit
  • 2,750 Caps
  • 1 RoF, 6 RoF (with charge)
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Bladed, Oddball, Junkyard, Automatic

Two-Handed Melee[]

Two handed weapons gain a damage bonus of double the strength score.

All two handed Melee weapons are considered Heavy weapons and thus cannot be used in the same round as a movement action. However, charges are still permitted if the player did not move.

Large Melee weapons always knock foes back on critical hits

Improvised Weapon (2-Handed) / Pistol-Whip (2-Handed)[]

  • A desperate improvised weapon, such as a pool-cue, stick, rock or rifle stock.
  • 1d8 P, -1 Attack, Fragile
  • 2 Caps
  • 3 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Blunt, Retro, Primitive

Light Club (2-Handed)[]

  • A solid bashing device, such as a lead pipe, hammer, wrench, crowbar or baseball-bat. Can be held with one or two hands
  • 2d4 P, -6 PDT
  • 50 Caps
  • 2 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Blunt, Simple, Retro, Primitive

Heavy Club[]

  • A massive and crude makeshift crudgle designed for massive blunt trauma. A chunk of cement attached at the end of rebar, a sledge or a hefty piece of pipe conduit.
  • 1d12 P, -6 PDT, Staggering, Costly
  • 250 Caps
  • 1 RoF
  • Tags: 2-H, Melee, Blunt, Simple, Retro, Primitive

Two-Handed Blade[]

  • Hand forged swords, large axes and similar weapons with large sharp edges.
  • 1d12 P, BCD
  • 1,000 Caps
  • 2 RoF
  • Tags: 2-H, Melee, Blade, Simple, Retro, Primitive


  • You know what this is. Powered by micro fission cells nowadays due to a lack of gasoline.
  • 1d8 P, -5 PDT, Forgiving, Costly
  • Enercgy Cell, 2 Energy per Hit
  • 2,500 Caps
  • 1 RoF, 6 RoF (with charge)
  • Tags: 2-H, Melee, Blade, Simple, Junkyard, Automatic

Super Sledge, 2/24 SEC - 3,500 Caps[]

  • A kinetic device affixed to a sledge, designed to deliver incredibly devastating force upon contact.
  • 1d12 P + 2d12 P (If charged), Forgiving, Staggering, Costly
  • Enercgy Cell, 1 Energy per Hit
  • 3,500 Caps
  • 1 RoF
  • Tags: 2-H, Melee, Blunt, Simple, Junkyard, Primitive, Oddball

Brawling Melee[]

Fist weapons are typically smaller then other melee weapons, however this affords them more versatility. If wielding a brawling weapon, a player is still able to use their hand normally (such as wielding a pistol), but with a small penalty.

For players, all brawling attacks deal 1d4+ST damage on their own. Super Mutants, being bigger, deal 1d6+ST damage. However, with out wearing any type of fist weapon your unarmed attacks cannot hurt anyone wearing armor that provides 1 or more DT.


  • Basic punches and kicks
  • 1d4 P (1d6 for Super Mutants)
  • 3 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Brawling, Blunt, Simple, Retro, Primitive

Brass Knuckles[]

  • Metal wrapped around the knuckles to cause maximum pain with little effort. Some more brutal versions have spikes, studs or type-lettering on them
  • 1d6 P, -2 PDT, BCC, 1 Unwieldy
  • 150 Caps
  • 4 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Brawling, Blunt, Simple, Retro, Primitive

Zap Glove[]

  • An electric taser rived atop an insulated glove. Any time a foe is punched, it will send out a massive jolt of electricity.
  • 1d4 P, 1d6 E (with Charge), -2 EDT, BCC, 2 Unwieldy, Forgiving, Dangerous
  • Energy Cell, 1 Energy per Hit
  • 300 Caps
  • 4 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Brawling, Bladed, Simple, Primitive, EMP

Ballistic Fist[]

  • A spring-loaded spike above the hand triggers a small 9mm pistol to fire on impact. Can hold 3 rounds.
  • 1d6 P, 1d4 P (with Bullet), -6 PDT, BCD, Forgiving, 3 Unwieldy
  • 9mm Rounds, 3 Round Mag
  • 1,250 Caps
  • 3 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Brawling, Blunt, Simple, Retro, Primitive, Oddball, Int Mag

Bladed Gauntlet[]

  • Blades bound to the hand or forearm. Often made from animal components, such as Deathclaw or Mantis claws. It's unwieldy, but brutally effective.
  • 2d8 P, BCC, BCD, 4 Unwieldy
  • 450 Caps
  • 2 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Brawling, Bladed, Simple, Retro, Primitive

Power Fist[]

  • This powerful, hi-tech gauntlet has a pneumatic plate attached to the end that deals additional Damage.
  • 1d6 P, 3d6 P (with Charge), -2 PDT, BCC, 5 Unwieldy, Forgiving
  • Enercgy Cell, 1 Energy per Hit
  • 2,000 Caps
  • 2 RoF
  • Tags: 1-H, Melee, Brawling, Bladed, Simple, Primitive
Sean Wagemans Fallout PnP
Rules Character Creation | Skills | Perks | Lesser Perks | Traits
Armory Armor | Repair | Firearms | Energy Weapons | Melee | Launchers | Hand Thrown | Ammunition
Gear Items | Chems and Consumables | Food and Water | Skill Books | Crafting
Bestiary Abominations | Animals | Ghouls | Insects | Robots | Super Mutants
Reference Glossary | Play Materials | Combat and Actions | Survival | Reputation and Karma
The Sound Seattle Introduction